SIOR offers membership in a number of categories around the world, including:

SIOR Designation — Active Individual Membership

The SIOR designation is a professional achievement for highly qualified commercial real estate practitioners with a strong transactional history in brokerage, fee-based services, or executive management.

SIOR Designees are:

  • Specialists in industrial and office markets.
  • "Transaction Closers" recognized by developers, lenders, and investors.
  • Top producing professionals — closing on average more than 30 transactions per year.
  • The Best of the Best — meet SIOR's production, education, and ethical requirements.

The SIOR designation is granted in one of six specialist categories:

  • Industrial — transaction specialist
  • Office — transactions specialist
  • Industrial & Office (Dual) — transaction specialist
  • Sales Management — manages at least 10 sales or leasing agents
  • Executive Management — manages 100+ agents in three or more offices
  • Advisory Services — consultant or advisory practitioner

 How do I earn the SIOR designation?

SIOR Candidate

SIOR Candidate Membership is for industrial and office brokerage practitioners working towards qualifying for the SIOR designation within the next five years. If earning the SIOR designation is your ultimate goal, and you are interested in meeting eligibility requirements within the next five years, joining as an SIOR Candidate is the initial step to becoming an SIOR designee.

SIOR Candidates are:

  • Industrial and office brokerage specialists with three to eight years' experience who are not yet qualified to apply for the SIOR designation.
  • Rising professionals taking the next step in advancing their careers.

SIOR Candidate membership responsibilities:

  • Progressively work for a maximum of five years towards qualification to apply for the SIOR designation.
  • Meet regularly with a mentor in the local Chapter and report progress towards qualification.
  • Attend at least one World Conference within 36 months of candidacy. Candidates are welcome to attend all World Conferences. Candidates will benefit from interaction with SIOR designees and access to SIOR's education.
  • Complete the Core Components of Commercial Brokerage coursework during candidacy. Successful completion fulfills the SIOR designation education requirement.

How do I become an SIOR Candidate Member?

Associate Membership — Organizational Membership

Organizations with a vital interest in corporate real estate services and industrial or office development comprise SIOR's Associate membership.

SIOR Associate Members are:

  • Organizations with a vital interest in corporate real estate services and industrial or office development.
  • Developers; Corporations leasing, buying, and owning real estate; Educational institutions, and General Practitioners who want to provide services and do business with SIOR designees.

Associate Membership is granted in one of four categories:

  • Developer — companies that develop industrial and/or office real estate facilities.
  • Corporate — companies that own/buy/lease significant amounts of industrial and/or office real estate primarily for their own occupancy.
  • Educator — accredited educational institutions offering degree programs in real estate.
  • General — companies that are involved in industrial and/or office real estate other than third-party brokerage. Examples include accounting/financial firms, engineering firms, economic development agencies, architectural firms, and more.

 How do I become an Associate Member?